General Gaming News

Final Fantasy X and X-2 HD and The Zodiac Age are heading to Switch

Xbox One

Two of the more iconic and beloved Final Fantasy games are heading to another new platform this April. Well technically it’s remasters of the older PS2-era games getting a new lease on life, but fans probably won’t mind.

Starting near the end of April 2019 ports of Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster and Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age will land on both Switch and Xbox One. Square Enix is making forays into more platforms with their loyal Sony franchise after all, so Switch and Xbox fans finally get to jump in on the action.

These ports will be based on the PS4 versions, which included a variety of changes and enhancements. Of course there’s the upscaled visuals, as well as improved overall performance. The improvement that many fans will no doubt enjoy is the speed-up feature from the PS4 release of Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age. This addition allowed the game to run higher base speed, meaning movement and battles were much faster than normal. The time scaling effect meant that grinding for levels was exponentially easier in the new version.

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The Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster was first discussed at TGS in 2011 for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita and later arrived on the PlayStation 4. Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, an HD remaster of 2006’s Final Fantasy XII, was announced at E3 2016 for the PlayStation 4 and also included the Zodiac job system that was previously not available in the West.

All told, it’s great that a new audience might get to experience these great games come this April.

Both games will be released for Switch and Xbox One. On April 16, Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster will be available, while two weeks later on April 30, Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age will be released. Check out some sample artwork the team released to hype up this announcement down below.

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