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Payday 3 releases new details, including setting in New York with more tech

Payday 2

Payday fans rejoice! Payday 3 has more news this week. The game is taking a very new direction for the franchise. But don’t worry, the game is still the insanely fast-paced heist sim you have always loved. The franchise is actually 10 years old this month, and that’s equally nuts. The growth of the shooter franchise has been stupendous, with Overkill finding a meteoric rise to success off the back of Payday 2.

It wasn’t always so rosy. The company is looking to bounce back from the extremely disappointing failure of their Walking Dead tie-in. The launch of that cooperative shooter failed miserably. The game nearly drove the company and its publisher into collapse and bankruptcy. Overkill bounced back after canning support for the game and managed to revamp development work for the new sequel.

Overkill Software, hosted a live stream for the occasion, with fans finally getting more info about the upcoming sequel. The company already put out some new content, a new heist in Mexico, for Payday 2. Starbreeze and Overkill are also working diligently on Payday 3. The new stream highlighted some details about the new shooter.

The setting is changing in a big way, for one thing. Players are taking their crews to New York in a more modern setting. The threequel will bring back the characters Dallas, Hoxton, Chains, and Wolf; or all the big names from the previous game’s story. This all ties into a much more tech-focused story. Players will be conducting heists dealing with Cryptocurrency and fighting mass surveillance, all for shadowy Dark Web clients.

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You can view the aforementioned livestream down below.

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