EVE MetaEVE Video

The Imperium Invasion of H1Z1!


So, the promised but not so secret announcement from Imperium has dropped.  Mittani is planning to do a dual victory lap after their EVE win recently.  They are first going to burn down a Revenant. Yes, they’ll build the rarest super in the game and then let their members shoot it.  But, that’s not the most important part. They’ll be preparing a massive “invasion” of H1Z1 and other non-EVE games.  There are two reasons for this.  One, is that they are effectively being bribed with free custom items by the devs.  Two, is that they are using these other games to attempt to mass recruit new players into non-GSF member alliances of Imperium.  This is something that will be really interesting.  The fallout from the first invasion of EVE players into other games will no doubt be amazing, confusing, and hilarious.  The interesting point about public reaction to events in EVE is that it could end up hurting the game just as much as helping it.  Although I admit that the people who would be turned off by spin from Imperium’s enemies like “They’re trying to ruin a new game” may not be the best fit for EVE.  It remains to be seen just how this will all pan out, one can only hope it ends up being a net win for EVE.

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ISKMogul is a growing video game publication that got its start covering EVE Online, and has since expanded to cover a large number of topics and niches within the purview of gaming.