
When Does Monster Hunter Rise Unlock on Nintendo Switch?

How to fast travel in Monster Hunter Rise

Monster Hunter Rise  is the biggest new Switch game of 2021 for a lot of people. For those of use Monster hunters who have thoroughly enjoyed World, and beaten it to death, we need something new to hunt. The game has tons of new and returning foes to battle and it’s a joy to get new settings to explore. There are so many improvements to be seen. The game is just a better more portable version of the gameplay loop from World. As a result, everyone wants to know when they can get it.

So when is the Monster Hunter Rise unlock time? Let’s talk about that.

Monster Hunter Rise Unlock Time

For those of you who didn’t pre-order the game and are waiting for it in the mail, you can get it much faster. You can get it via the Nintendo eShop.if you have space for it, and the bandwidth to get it fast. The download size for the game isn’t too bad. Monster Hunter Rise‘s install size comes in at 6.6 GB as a digital download on Nintendo Switch, as detailed on the game’s eShop listing.

Monster Hunter Rise may unlock at midnight on March 26, as per Nintendo’s official support page. Some sources suggest that third-party games, like this Capcom title may unlock a bit later at 3 AM. So by the latest, 3 AM EDT on March 26 seems like the release window for the game. If that changes, we will update the page as we get close to the window for launch.

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This all assumes the eShop doesn’t get knocked out as it did for the demo launch. And there are even reports of users in Japan experiencing issues downloading the game, so be aware of that potential issue. But assuming everything stays up, it’s only a few short hours until you’re into a new adventure.

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