The Valkyria Chronicles series is set in an alternate-history/semi-fictional version of Europe named Europa, and Valkyria Chronicles 4 is looking to make it easier to understand the setting.
Fans may already know this, but those coming into the franchise anew may appreciate this. Historian Douglas Welch narrates the video, adding a touch of professionalism to the whole thing. The overall focus is on how a war between various powerful factions led to the chaotic events of this game. The story here covers what is happening with Squad E from the Atlantic Federation during the Second Europan War. This squad is the same group you’re in control of throughout the campaign.
As for the game itself, Sega crafted a deep and interesting strategy game with a full cast of entertaining characters. The story itself is also quite entertaining. Although fair warning, there is apparently some characters are written to be sexist dickheads, as VG247 points out. Also, don’t read the trashfire of a comments section on that VG247 article.
The game is currently available for PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC. Check out the video down below. If you want to learn more about the game, check out the trailer showcasing gameplay features in Valkyria Chronicles 4.