Let’s not mince words here, the possibility of WWE 2K22 being received positively is not guaranteed. The greed and gambling nonsense is already there, and fans are angry. But maybe 2K will try to curry some favor by supporting more versions. Though this seems very unlikely. It was previously rumored that the new game in the franchise was being aggressively cut back. And with a reduced budget, there’s a lot less chance of more SKUs being produced for the game. Some fans will hold out hope that WWE 2K22 on the Nintendo Switch will happen. Here’s what we know.
WWE 2K22, as of the title’s release announcement, will not be available for the Nintendo Switch. And frankly, that’s a good thing. The original Switch port of the last WWE game on the platform took 6 months to get even to a playable state. Though some issues were fixed, players had lost faith. And it would likely mean that there’s no will on 2K’s part to return to the Switch.
As of now, the new game will be released for both old and current-gen Xbox and PlayStation consoles, and for PC users.
WWE 2K22 on the Nintendo Switch is a bad idea. Anyone who remembers the previous years, failures, there’s not a lot of confidence there. And with the last Switch port of this franchise, there really shouldn’t be. As many players and outlets reported on WWE 2K18 being a total mess on the game. The Switch version was completely unplayable thanks to lag and bugs. The biggest of wrestling fans should stay far away from the Switch port of any future games.
So would WWE 2K22 on the Nintendo Switch be as bad? Probably. The revealed modes for this year’s return is all about capturing nostalgia from what I can see. And that can be taken both in ways good and bad. The added MyFaction Mode will likely be impossible to port to the Switch. There’s just not enough horsepower there to support expanded single-player modes.
As for the rest of the game, it would appear as this year’s game has a bit more visual polish. This won’t be possible to support on Switch. WWE 2K18 already had to be scaled back aggressively, but it was still released in a terrible state. And the backlash to 2K20 proved that fans are fed up. They certainly won’t expect a completely broken launch again.