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Monster Hunter Rise PC System Requirements

How to fast travel in Monster Hunter Rise

Monster Hunter Rise has been prowling on the Switch for a while. The team over at Capcom has been pushing out events, and even a new expansion, to help keep the game alive. First released in March 2021, Monster Hunter Rise generated approximately four million global unit sales during its opening weekend. As of October 2021, global unit sales of Monster Hunter Rise amounted to 7.5 million shipments. For comparison, lifetime sales for Monster Hunter World have amounted to more than 20 million units.

So while the new Switch title didn’t get as big of a splash as the first console outing, it will likely avoid some of the problems. The reduced focus on a fancy open-world setting makes it much easier to run, so the PC port should be much simpler to handle. Also, the experience of the team from the last game should make this PC launch a much smoother time for fans.

The launch of World on the PC was a major step backward for Capcom. And it’s likely that they will do their best to avoid that problem this time. Looking at the specs listed in the Monster Hunter Rise PC system requirements, they seem very modest. In an age where lower-end hardware is left by the wayside—and games regularly top out above 100 GB in size, things are looking slim for Capcom.

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Monster Hunter Rise PC System Requirements

Here are the requirements you should meet to run Rise on your PC. it’s a pretty easy game to run at Low-end. Expect a console-like experience with meager hardware. an FX-era CPU and something like an RX560 is still relatively easy to obtain in this shortage-prone market. So if that’s all you have, you can at least play the game.


  • OS: Windows 10 64-bit
  • CPU: Intel Core i3-4130 or Core i5-3470 or AMD FX-6100
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030 (DDR4) or AMD Radeon RX 550
  • DirectX Version 12
  • Storage: 23 GB
  • Average performance: 1080p at 30 FPS when running on “Low” preset


  • OS: Windows 10 64-bit
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 or AMD FX-8300
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 (VRAM 3GB) or AMD Radeon RX 570 (VRAM 4GB)
  • DirectX Version 12
  • Storage: 23 GB
  • Average performance: 1080p at 30 FPS when running on “Average” preset
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