
How to Complete The Twilight Challenge in BitLife

How to Complete The Twilight Challenge in BitLife

The weekend is here, which means we get a new weekly challenge in BitLife. The mobile sim loves these things, and often uses them as a cross-over with various pieces of fiction. This week, we’re getting the Twilight Challenge in BitLife. You will get to take on Bella from the Twilight franchise. Here’s this guide to run through all the tasks you need to do to complete The Twilight Challenge in BitLife.

How to Complete The Twilight Challenge in BitLife

This is a much easier challenge this week, as there are some very basic timing restrictions. Here are the steps to complete the challenge:

  • Be born a female in Phoenix
  • Join the Goths Clique
  • Marry the first boy you date
  • Marry before the age of 20
  • Have a daughter named Renesmee

Starting out and Making Friends

The Twilight Challenge in BitLife is pretty basic, to start, you need to be born female in Phoenix. Choosing your birthplace is pretty simple. Just pick female and get Phoenix, Arizona as your starting point.

The Clique part is the hard part here. It’s similar to the Mean Girls clique, but the Goths are a bit easier to get into. Open up the Cliques menu by tapping on the high school button to see who is already in. You will notice one thing in common. The Goth clique requires that you have low Happiness and Looks. The best way to do this quickly is to just repeatedly try to join other cliques, and focus on ones you won’t get into. When you get rejected, Happiness will go down.

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When you have low stats, you’re good to go. You just need to make friends with other Goths and get into their good graces. Just like the previous challenge, getting into the Goth Clique is as simple as getting friends and hoping. You just need to get lucky.

When you get into the Goth clique, you’re almost done.

Getting Married and Having Kids

Now you can start finding a boyfriend. Make friends with a guy and start dating them. You should also try to get the relationship meter with your high school crush as high as possible, as fast as possible. Get them gifts and shower them with love to max it out. Once you maximize your relationship, you’re ready to move on. Just like last week, having a kid is the easy part. Once you’re married at the right time, you can get started on making a kid. Renesmee is the name you should choose when you finally have the kid.

Once you’ve completed all of these tasks, you have complete the challenge for the week.

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