General Gaming News

Monster Hunter franchise tops 60 million sales as Iceborne sales 4 million units

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne New Tracking Ability

Any fan knows just how great Capcom’s Monster Hunter franchise is. The franchise had a major success with the most recent game being released for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. Monster Hunter World alone easily passed 15 million units throughout the launches on console and PC over the last few years. Capcom celebrated the overall success by even handing out rewards in-game to players. With that bump, the gaming franchise has exploded in popularity. As of now, according to Capcom, the series in its entirety has now surpassed 61 million units sold since 2004.

The Iceborne expansion itself managed to sell around 4 million units during the combined console and PC launches. The console launch in 2019 went relatively OK, with only minor issues reported. The new quests, tons of new monsters in the Hoarfrost Reach, and the new story arc made players very happy to hop  back in. All in all, everyone seems to be having fun.

PC players haven’t had such a great time though. The launch of the new expansion on the platform has been plagued with problems. The new CRC32 anti-cheat solution has been met with harsh backlash over the major problems with performance. There have also been reported issues with save data being deleted or corrupted, causing hundreds of hours of progress to be lost.

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Gamers across the globe have uncovered ways to deal with the problems in Iceborne. Here’s a guide on how to improve performance in Iceborne.

Resident Evil 2 Remake was also another huge success for the company. Capcom easily sold millions of copies of the remake, bringing tons of new and returning fans back to the loving arms of CapGOD.

Monster Hunter World is out now for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

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