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manage a space agency in Mars Horizon from Auroch Digital

Mars Horizon

Auroch Digital has announced a new space agency management game Mars Horizon which has been supported by the UK Space Agency.

You goal as the player is to lead the first human expedition to Mars, but you’ve got a long road ahead of you. You can choose to start the game as either the US, Russian or EU space agency, and your journey begins from there. You’ll have to juggle a lot of tasks and problems as the game progresses. You’ll need to build rockets, probes, satellites, and advanced space flight technology to capture data; then you use that data for various research and development tasks that advance human technology as a whole forward. And you’ll need to manage all these moving parts while competing with other space agencies around the world, I hope you’re ready.

Check out the reveal trailer below. There’s some basic pre-alpha footage there that shows definite promise.

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If you want to hear more about the development of the game, the devs also run a podcast on the topic.

In Mars Horizon the player is tasked with leading a major space agency from the dawn of the space age though to humanity’s journey to Mars. Research new tech, expand your agency base, build rockets, send satellites into orbit, and launch a variety of missions. As the player, you’re in charge of every element of the journey into space.

Mars Horizon is expected to release some time in Q4 this 2018 and it appears it will be launching on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Steam Early Access.

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