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Kingdom Hearts VR Experience delayed, again

Kingdom Hearts: VR Experience

Even now, only mere days away from the worldwide launch of Kingdom Hearts III, Square Enix has still found  a way to disappoint some fans. For you see, they just announced yet another delay for Kingdom Hearts: VR Experience. The VR tie-in will now come out on January 23rd.

And just in case you have no idea what I’m talking about, let me explain. Kingdom Hearts: VR Experience isn’t a virtual reality (VR) videogame. Instead its a music video of sorts that looks back on the history of the Kingdom Hearts series.

The title was originally supposed to launch ahead of the release of Kingdom Hearts III, with Kingdom Hearts: VR Experience dropping on on December 25, it was first delayed to January 18.

And with the penchant the franchise has for a multitude of disparate plot lines being scattered across a dizzying number of tie-in games, much like the game’s characters are scattered across many unique worlds, it’s reasonable to understand why some fans might be upset by such a delay. There’s some subset of fans who are convinced they’re going to miss out on crucial plot elements or new character development that’s in this VR title. Less hardcore aficionados are more subdued in their reaction, but still a little annoyed.

And yes, I know all of that sounds confusing or hard to believe, but for a game franchise where the game that’s listed as Kingdom Hearts III is actually the fifteenth entry, things can get a little weird.

If you still want to scratch that itch, check out the trailer for the title down below. As of now, the VR addon will drop just before the full Kingdom Hearts III release on January 25th. And yes, it’s still exclusive to PSVR.

What do you folks think? Do these delays mean little to you? Do they spell doom for any enjoyment that might be had? Let us know in the comments.

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