
How to transfer items between districts in Deathloop

How to Activate Gideon Fry's Delivery Service

Deathloop has some very interesting restrictions on the player and what they can do. As you adventure through the game’s world, the various districts pose their own challenges. Players will sometimes have to make some changes to their loadouts. The game forces Colt to make choices about what he can and can’t bring to missions. When you want to transfer items in Deathloop, here’s what to do.

The districts restrict what you can have in them, but you can transfer items in Deathloop between districts. You will often need to use the in-game delivery system to move items around. When you’re hunting Visionaries and other targets, you need to take that option when you can. Use this to move weapons and other items around.

When you’re in a district, look for a delivery station. You will need to use these to bring items around. Each one has a code hidden around its associated level. You need to find the code for each delivery terminal to make use of it. Once you’ve learned that code, you’ll have it for the rest of the game. It cannot be taken away from you.

You will have to hunt these codes down first, and that’s the problem. In each of the four districts of Blackreef, you can find a specific type of terminal blaring loud adverts, these are the terminals you use for deliveries.

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Also, you want to make sure that you do not start the loop over after you’ve transferred an item through the delivery system. If you do, the item will return to its original district.

Deathloop Delivery Terminal and Code Locations

Below you can find the terminal locations for the delivery service, as well as the code for the service to be activated.

  • Updaam – Located just above the Archives Gate near the tunnel entrance, head up the main street towards the library and turn around in the plaza to find it by the railing.
  • Karl’s Bay – Located left up the street from the tunnel entrances to Karl’s Bay, standing just to the right of the entrance to the Gardens of Perception tunnel.
  • Fristad Rock – Located right next to the entrance the tunnels leading into Fristad Rock, in a large open area full of small vehicles and booth below a neon sign.
  • The Complex – Located up the road from the Morning/Night tunnel entrance to The Complex, at the edge of the parking lot filled with large vehicles leading to the Ordnance Depot.
  • The Code can be found in Noon at Fristad Rock, get the code from Visionary Fia.
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