
How to perform a séance in The Sims 4: Paranormal

How to perform a séance in The Sims 4: Paranormal

The Sims 4: Paranormal is the newest big expansion to the already massive game. EA and Maxis have pushed out some spooky new content, so let’s dive in and see what we’re getting into. The Sims 4: Paranormal is a Stuff Pack, so there are tons of new things to decorate your ghostly mansion with.

We can get into summoning spirits with the new Jars, like the Spectre Buddies Jar and the Mopey Spectre Jar. These two items can summon ghostly apparitions to your home for some shenanigans. There are tons of sitting spots too. Like the Dearly Departed Parlour Chair and Séance Chair that offer some ghostly options for your posterior. That Séance Chair is actually one of the focuses for this guide. Here’s how to perform a Séance in The Sims 4: Paranormal.

How to get a Séance Table and Chair

You need to grab both the Séance Table and Chair from the Build/Buy menu. The full set will run you 648 Simoleons. The Chair and Table will run you 333. That 648 cost gets you a full set of furniture and crystal ball for performing a Séance.

You then need to clear a 3×3 space indoors for the table. You need to have at least one each of the three items for the Séance to work. When you choose a Sim and have them interact with the Table, you get a few different options. You can do this at any time. And the impact of your Séance will be impacted by your Medium skill.

The Chalk Séance Circle is another cheaper option, although it’s limited to one Sim, and is missing some of the options of the full setup.

What can you do in a Séance?

You have a few interactions for the Séance in The Sims 4: Paranormal, when you use the right option, you can unlock some pretty cool and scary abilities. Here’s the options for a séance in The Sims 4: Paranormal:

  • Sense Spiritual Volatility: You can gauge whether your home is receptive to spirits or not, the better the rating, the more likely spirits will show up.
  • Commune with the Departed: You can speak with the dead and get messages from them. This will spawn random moodlets.
  • Perform Ceremony: Use this ability to evict a hostile spirit from your house. The higher your Medium skill, the higher the chance of a successful eviction.
  • Group Séance: This Medium Level 2 ability will let you host a Séance with up to three other Sims.
  • Invoke the Dead: This Medium Level 3 ability can allow you to summon ghosts or specters. The chance of what you get is randomly based on your spirit volatility.
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Medium Skills Explained

Each item added in the Stuff Pack also has some interactions worth pointing out. As you increase your Medium skill, you can unlock various interactions.  Here are the Medium skill unlocks.

Level 1

  • Commune with the Departed at the Séance Table
  • Sense Spiritual Volatility at the Séance Table
  • Perform Ceremony at the Séance Table

Level 2

  • Host Group Seances with other Sims at the Séance Table
  • Commune with the Dead With…
  • Perform Ceremony With…

Level 3

  • Invoke the Dead at the Séance Table
  • Summon Bonehilda at the Séance Table
  • New floating animation when Sim interacts with the Séance Table

Level 4

  • Perform the Ghastly Ritual at the Séance Table

Level 5

  • Can create Séance Circles anywhere in the world
  • Energy depletes more slowly while Performing Ceremonies
  • Increased chance of successful interactions with Specters
  • Eligible to receive a Paranormal Investigator License from Guidry
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