
How to attend parties in BitLife

Sinderella Challenge in BitLife Guide

With a new weekly challenge just now going live, things are going crazy in BitLife. The mobile life sim already has a ton of different little achievements and challenges going on, but this week adds another new one. For the next four days, players can complete the Sinderella Challenge to earn a special one-time reward. This one involves getting to the status of royalty, but in a very underhanded manner.

You’re getting to live a murderous and debaucherous life in this challenge. Along with all the murder and plotting, you also have to be a bit of a party girl. That means attending parties several times over your life in the game. Here’s what to do to to attend parties in BitLife.

How to attend parties in BitLife

To get this step done, you need a friend of some kind. Your character will acquire friends naturally when they attend school or go to work. When you have a friend, they will be listed in the Relationships menu. Go into that menu and then click your friend’s name. Scroll down and you will find an option to Party with them. This makes going to parties five times the easiest step in the challenge. Just go back into that menu using the Back button in the bottom left and click party five more times. That will complete the step.

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You can do this as many times as you like, and there will be different results each time. Remember this for future challenges, as it’s often a good way to get addicted, as has been a thing in past events.

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