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Grounded Koi Pond update release date and other details

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The Grounded Koi Pond update is coming to make some changes in the miniature adventure that is Grounded. As the new Obsidian RPG is still in Early Access, fans should expect more content as time goes on. The game will be adding in a bunch of new content in its first post-launch content expansion. And as the name implies, the big focus is on a backyard koi pond.

The update will include both hostile and non-hostile life to the massive backyard. And you should expect plenty of danger even if the new creatures are not technically hostile. Water on such a small scale can be pretty nasty. There will be a tadpole, water boatman, and water flea added to the game with this patch.

The patch is also bringing in some dangerous stuff as well, such as a new breed of spider that’s able to swim, the diving bell spider. So you can just be swimming around and get swallowed whole. You did get a few things to help balance the stakes a bit. You can craft a bunch of new recipes to help make movement and survival easier.

The Grounded Koi Pond update will patch in a few new crafting recipes like flippers, a diving mask, and a new tier of armor. The developer is sure to point out that the combat will be much slower and less frantic in the water, as one would expect. But new weapons and armor are not all that’s coming. You will also be able to build a floating base once you get to the right point. You can unlock buoys and other floating craftables that make it much easier to get through the dangerous waters. The developer has also pointed out that the game will get more addons to the base-building stuff as time goes on.

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The koi pond update is coming in November, but you can try a public test build on PC and Xbox One.

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