Bandai Namco US posted a tweet, asking fans how hyped they were for new DLC characters. Bandai Namco UK then responded with a tweet which announced the date for the launch of the DLC pack #2 for Dragon Ball FighterZ. The tweets themselves feature images depicting some moves belonging to Vegito Blue, one of the two characters being added by the DLC. The other character is Fused Zamasu.
The newest pack of DLC characters for Dragon Ball Fighter Z lands in the fighting ring on May 31. You can get these new characters as a part of the $35 Season Pass, or buy the character packs on their own. Bardock and Broly are also available now as the first DLC pack.
In other related Dragon Ball FighterZ news, a trailer for one of the upcoming characters, Fused Zamasu, was revealed flaunting some of his moves.
As far as what other characters may be added after Fused Zamasu and Blue Vegito, it hasn’t been confirmed yet. There’s some speculation based on datamining efforts that points to Cooler, Android 17 and Saiyan Saga Goku and Vegeta will allegedly be added in the future.
Dragon Ball FighterZ is available for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.