The evolution of the iconic card game, Yu-Gi-Oh!, is almost here. The game takes all the past eras of the card game, picking and choosing which cards to keep around. The story mode that’s included isn’t as thorough as some other offerings in earlier games, but you can still play through parts of the iconic anime story. And with that comes a full online mode, complete with a variety of in-app purchases for new stuff
Players can build more than a dozen dream decks to have the perfect tool for any situation, then take those into duels both online and off. And with more than 10,000 cards, that’s a lot to unlock if you happen to lose your save or have to start over on a new version. For that reason, the developers have brought cross-save into the mix. This will allow you to use your Konami ID to track progress on your account, regardless of the version of the game being played.
Other additions include the ability to have full cross-save compatibility. Once you download Master Duel, complete the tutorial, and set a user name for yourself, you can then use your Konami ID to get access to your saves on any platform. Master Duel is available on PlayStation 4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Steam, Nintendo Switch, and mobile, but you need to engage in a bit of setup first.
Once you download Master Duel, just finish out the tutorial, then the game will prompt you to finish setting up your profile. When you’ve selected your profile details and been prompted to create a Konami ID, do that. These account login details will be how you recover save data.
If you download a new version of the game on a different platform, don’t just start the game as normal. Selecting Data Transfer from the title menu’s options will open up a sign-on screen, this is where you put your Konami ID info. The game will then grab your information from the servers and load your profile on the new version.