
How to Find Cuihua Wood in Genshin Impact

How to Find Cuihua Wood in Genshin Impact

Cuihua Wood is one of the new resources added to Genshin Impact in update 1.5. This new item is all about various crafting and Ascension recipes that can use the item. Cuihua Wood can be seen in the game in darkly colored trees with orange fruits hanging from them. Like the other woods and items added this patch, there’s a bunch of new items to buy from the Serenitea Pot. You can trade these various resource drops. Be aware that to buy this item from Serenitea Pot, you need to have Adventure Rank 35 or higher.

Here’s what you need to do to get this particular item, and make your life in this digital world a bit easier.

How to Find Cuihua Wood in Genshin Impact

You will want to use the Teleporters between Springvale and Dawn Winery. Head along the road and take the southern fork between the two. A bunch of trees with Cuihua Wood can be found in this area. You can also then jump back to the teleporter outside Mondstadt to run along the path there as well. Look for the trees with the bright fruit hanging in them. You can see both Apples or Sunsettias hanging from these trees. So if you see red or orange fruit, hit that tree. These fruits can also be useful for cooking recipes, so be sure to pick them up too.

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You can collect 3 pieces of wood from each Cuihua Tree. No need to use any elemental attacks, just hit it with your weapon. Keep in mind that you need to hit each tree individually. Yes, this does slow down farming, but you can’t get multiple drops by hitting them all at once.

As for other places to look, finding Cuihua Wood can be kind of hard. You need to get kind of lucky, as these trees are spread out. Look for the skinny trunks with large bulbous leaf canopies, as well as the aforementioned fruit.

You could try running a route from the teleporter in Cape Oath and following the main road all the way to the Dawn Winery. Run towards the west along this road and you’re sure to spot some of these trees. It still seems to be uncommon though, so if you want all of the furniture from it, prepare to put some time in. You could potentially speed this all up using Co-Op Mode. Just go collect some from the same spots by joining other players’ worlds.

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