Dark Souls: Remastered is now available on the hybrid handheld platform that is the Nintendo Switch, and fans have another reason to tackle the excellent game while on the go, because it looks so darned pretty.
Nintendo has released a new trailer for the game showcasing some iconic locations and bosses that fans will be very familiar with. Dark Souls stemmed from Demon’s Souls, which released exclusively on the PlayStation 3 back in 2009, and since then the hardcore fanbase has been in love with the games aesthetic and thematic elements. And while the Switch port makes some sacrifices in the visual areas to keep a frame-consistent experience, the differences in overall gameplay are minimal. You’ll probably notice the differences in rendering of fog effects, as well as down-scaled resolution in certain areas, but if you want to play Dark Souls: Remastered on the go, you’re probably willing to sacrifice the full visual fidelity of the PS4/Xbox One/PC remasters in favor of portability.
All in all, the experience is fun for fans, and works well as a demonstration of the potential of the Switch.
Check out the trailer for the newly remastered action-RPG down below. Dark Souls: Remastered is available now digitally or physically on the Nintendo Switch.