General Gaming News

Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls announced for mobile devices

Konami is developing a new mobile game based on the Castlevania franchise.

The new title is called Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls and will be released for iOS devices. The game features a variety of new characters such as Genya Aruma and Lucy. Genya Arikado is the protagonist, and Lucy plays the role of his support. Series regulars like Alucard, Simon, Charlotte, Shanoa, and Maria will be making appearances as well.

The game will be a multi-player focused co-op game with up to four players.The game will feature boss rush modes and 4v4 competitive multiplayer.

Here are a handful of screenshots:

There is currently an invite-only Beta going on for Japanese users, which you find out about on the official website. No release date has been confirmed for the Japanese nor other versions. No western release has been confirmed as of writing.

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