
All Astronaut Technical Training Answers in BitLife

BitLife Guides

BitLife added the ability to become an astronaut and explore space, but that’s not easy. Sure, you can blast space rocks, fly rockets and launch probes, but there is a ton of work to do. To actually get to this point, you need to put in a lot of work. You need to earn a Pilot’s License, which means you need to put in 40 hours of training time and pass the exam. You also need to earn a STEM degree in a field like Biology or Engineering from University to even qualify. Once you do, go into the Special Careers section under the Occupation tab and apply when ready. The Technical Training in BitLife is actually very important, but so are the other three areas.

  1. Apply to US Space Academy. Now, this will bring you to completing three main criteria as mentioned earlier.
  2. Complete Fitness Training, Flight Training, & Technical Training to graduate from US Space Academy.
  3. After you graduate from US Space Academy, you will be eligible to apply for NASA.
  4. Once you are offered a job, you can accept the job position to work as a Cadet or Jr. Astronaut.
  5. But before you join NASA, you will be asked some Technical Training questions, again.

Here are all of the answers you’re going to need for the Technical answers section of the challenge while you’re training. Keep in mind that you’ll need to head back to the Technical and other aspects of training to keep your skills shard ahead of missions. It’s a lot of work keeping all this straight, so it’s best to learn while you play and memorize some of these answers. That way, you won’t have to keep coming back here.

All Astronaut Technical Training Answers in BitLife

Question: Who was the first person to step foot on the Moon?
Answer: Neil Armstrong

Question: Who invented the telescope?
Answer: Hans Lippershey

Question: Where did the Moon Landing take place in 1969?
Answer: The Sea of Tranquility

Question: Where did the Moon Landing take place in 1969?
Answer: An Extravehicular Mobility Unit

Question: How many astronauts have set foot on the moon?
Answer: 12

Question: What was the first mammal in space?
Answer: A dog

Question: What is the reflective glass covering on an astronaut’s spacesuit called?
Answer: A visor

Question: What is the payload of a rocket?
Answer: The cargo taken into space

Question: Which instrument measures the mix and concentration of the air astronauts breathe inside a spacecraft?
Answer: Oxygen Sensor

Question: What is the term for the up and down movement of a Plane?
Answer: Pitch Motion

Question: What does a light-year measure?
Answer: Distance

Question: What is the force that counteracts the Thrust force for flight?
Answer: Drag

Question: What is the term for the left and right movement of a Plane?
Answer: Yaw

Question: What is the purpose of the nose cone on a rocket?
Answer: Reduce air resistance

Question: What keeps astronauts in place when sleeping in zero gravity?
Answer: Velcro

Question: Which type of rocket engine is used to maneuver spacecraft during flight and adjust their trajectory?
Answer: Maneuvering thrusters

Question: What is the name of the device that astronauts wear to regulate the flow of oxygen and remove carbon dioxide while in space?
Answer: Liquid Cooling & Ventilation Garment

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Question: What is the name of the tool used by astronauts to collect samples of rock and soil from the surface of the moon?
Answer: Rock Hammer

Question: What type of spacecraft is used to transport astronauts from Earth to and from the International Space Station?
Answer: Soyuz spacecraft

Question: What keeps an astronaut attached to a spacecraft while on a spacewalk?
Answer: A tether system

Question: How often does the Earth revolve around the Sun?
Answer: Once every 365 days

Question: What does the acronym LEO stand for?
Answer: Low-Earth Orbit

Question: What is a Meteorite?
Answer: Rock from space that hits Earth

Question: How old is the Earth?
Answer: About 4.5 billion years old

Question: How many Earths can fit inside the Sun?
Answer: One million

Question: What is the name of our moon?
Answer: The Moon

Question: How long does it take to travel from Earth to Moon?
Answer: Three days

Question: What makes it possible for the Earth to orbit the Sun?
Answer: The Sun’s gravitational pull

Question: What’s the name for the point at which nothing can escape a black hole’s gravitational pull?
Answer: The event horizon

Question: Stars are fueled by the nuclear fusion of what gas?
Answer: Hydrogen

Question: How long does it take light from the Sun to reach Earth?
Answer: About 8 minutes

Question: The Great Red Spot Appears on which planet?
Answer: Jupiter

Question: At 450 degree Celsius, which planet is the hottest in the solar system?
Answer: Venus

Question: What makes it possible for Earth to orbit the Sun?
Answer: Gravity

Question: What is the force that causes the plane to fly?
Answer: Lift

Question: What does a light-year measure?
Answer: A pattern of stars

Question: What is the purpose of the solar panel on satellites?
Answer: To power the satellite

Question: What protective layer surrounds a rocket to protect it from the intense heat generated during re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere?
Answer: The heat shield

Question: What is the speed of Light?
Answer: 300 million meters per second

Question: What is the name of the robotic arm used by astronauts to manipulate objects outside the spacecraft?
Answer: Canadarm

Question: What is the name of the machine that simulates the effect of gravity on the human body?
Answer: Centrifuge

Question: Which type of engine is used to maneuver spacecraft during flight and adjust their trajectory?
Answer: Maneuvering thrusters

Question: What is an astronaut’s maximum absorbency garment?
Answer: It’s a diaper

Question: What is the name of the galaxy that will collide with the Milky Way someday?
Answer: Andromeda

Question: How long does it take the space station to orbit once around Earth?
Answer: 90 minutes

That’s all of the Technical Training Answers in BitLife you’re going to encounter while you’re training to be an astronaut.

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