
How to cancel Xbox Live, Xbox Game Pass, and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on Xbox Series X

Xbox Game Pass

The launch day for the Xbox Series X/S is almost upon the world. If you’re in that group of early adopters, you might have some questions. Or if you haven’t been on the Xbox train for a while, you might have forgotten some things. We’ve assembled some basic guides for how to handle various features while setting up your console.

With some gamers, they might want to get right into online gaming. For Xbox, that means you need Xbox Live. Or maybe you want to hop onto Game Pass, the Xbox games subscription service that offers 100+ games digitally, you will need to subscribe to that. All of these can be managed by your Microsoft account. That’s how the company handles all the Xbox services, and you need one to fully unlock the potential options you can for the new Xbox.

But let’s say you want to cancel or alter a subscription, so let’s talk about how to do that. You have two options for when you want to manage your various subscriptions. You can either go through the Xbox console or the Microsoft website.

Let’s start with the console, just follow the steps below to access your subscription data on the console:

  1. Press the Xbox Button at the center of the face of the controller to bring up the Home sub-menu
  2. Scroll all the way to the right to “Profile & System” and then Click “Settings”
  3. Go to “Account” and Click the “Subscriptions”
This will list any active subscriptions attached to this account. But only for the one currently signed into the console. If you have multiple user profiles with their own Microsoft account attached, you will need to repeat these steps to see their subscription info. You will need to have passwords for any accounts you wish to view, as the Xbox will ask for that before allowing you to manage payments and the like.

How to cancel your subscriptions on PC

You may also use your PC and head over to the Microsoft website to manage any details of your Xbox and associated accounts.

  1. Go to Services & subscriptions on the Microsoft website, and sign in with the Microsoft account you used when purchasing your subscription.
  2. Find your subscription and select Manage.
  3. On the next page, select Cancel or Upgrade or Cancel, depending on your subscription type.
  4. Follow the instructions on the page to proceed with the cancellation.

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ISKMogul is a growing video game publication that got its start covering EVE Online, and has since expanded to cover a large number of topics and niches within the purview of gaming.