
What are dismemberment rounds in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

What are dismemberment rounds and how to get them in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

The newly introduced dismemberment rounds in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare are a very interesting little addition to the FPS game. These powerful mods for different weapons in the game brings a new damage type and some other changes. The newest addition to the game this season is these dismemberment rounds that obliterate their targets. This leads to some amount of “ragdolling” when hitting a target that sends them sprawling. The dismemberment rounds also proc a set of unique death animations.

These rounds don’t have any extra damage or anything, but they are a funny little addition to the game. The dismemberment rounds in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will also blast off limbs as well as send corpses flying around the map. Legs, arms and other regional parts of the body can be affected by being shot with this ammo. Dismemberment rounds are just a cosmetic effect, similar to how the tracers add bright lights to your shots. Rather than adding lights however, the dismemberment rounds blow off limbs.

The bad news is, you’re not going to find a box of the dismemberment rounds lying around. The mod that includes this damage type is locked to certain weapons. You will need to check the in-game store for the blueprint to unlock this effect. Use the list below to look for the operator bundles to check first. Once you have the blueprint, you have to complete it to unlock the effect.

These are the weapons that use these new dismemberment rounds:

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Asunder (Brutalizer)
Black Bear (Talon Operator)
Bludgeoner (Mace Operator)
Elf Rut (Talon Operator)
Heresy (Iskra Operator)
Insurgency (Iskra Operator)
Skullhammer (Mace Operator)
Torn (Brutalizer)

These rounds cannot be found on the map and must be found on the weapons listed above. These weapon combinations are locked for now but could change in the future as Infinity Ward take balance changes into account.

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