General Gaming News

Sega Mega Drive Mini Revealed

SEGA Mega Drive Mini

At Sega Fes 2018, Sega has re-entered the console market… sorta, with the reveal of the Sega Mega Drive Mini, a compact edition of their classic home console.

The Mini joins the NES and SNES minis from Nintendo as an offering for those gamers who enjoy retro gaming on modern hardware but don’t want to mess with emulation. Let’s be real, emulation is a better alternative in most circumstances, but if you’re not technically inclined, these Mini consoles are a decent choice. That of course assumes Sega doesn’t engage in the same intentional shorting of supply to drive up demand that Nintendo does.

The Sega Mega Drive Mini launches in Japan later in 2018, and will head to other territories a few months later. Nothing is confirmed as to what games will be included, or what the price points will be for the hardware. We do know that the console is being produced in a partnership between Sega and AtGames. Some fans have balked at this, pointing out the poor emulation and sound quality some AtGames Genesis clones have had in the past. It’s worth pointing out that the more recent versions of AtGames hardware have much better sound quality compared to earlier versions.

Check out the trailer below:

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