Mojang Studios has announced another DLC pack for Minecraft Dungeons. The new pack is called the Flame of the Nether DLC, and is aiming to add much more meat onto the game’s bones. There’s a new campaign with six missions to complete, and a new Piglin Merchant to trade with as well.
Rewards for completing the six missions included in the pack will include a new Baby Ghast pet and some new skins to don yourself with. And of course, you get some new gear too. The goal is to uncover more artifacts and weapons, including some new Gilded gear. This is the new height of power for adventure.
Along with that new six-mission campaign, there’s an entirely new game mode coming. Ancient Hunts are a big new procedurally generated mission type that lets players fight their way through tougher foes. With a more open-ended structure, players are open to finding their own fun. Ancient Hunts will allow for more long-term play by adding more randomness to the endgame, which is good.
Just like the last DLC, we can expect an entirely new branch to explore in the world of Minecraft Dungeons. The Flames of the Nether DLC will add fiery enemies and the ability to explore various biomes in the hellish Nether. Ghast, Piglins and Blazes will hound you as you try to complete various tasks in the new zone.
The new content is due at the end of this month. Minecraft Dungeons‘ Flames of the Nether DLC is set to launch on February 24 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC and Nintendo Switch.
If you want more details, check out the expansion’s announcement post.