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Monster Hunter: World X The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Event Now Live

Monster Hunter

The hyped-up collab between Capcom and CD Projekt RED has born fruit with the first of the in-game events in Monster Hunter World going live today, featuring Ciri and Geralt from the Witcher RPGs. The update bringing the event also drops as part of game update 6.0.

An ancient Leshen, one of the cooler monster designs in The Witcher 3, has made its way to Astera, and Geralt has arrived to help The Commission hunt the deadly beast. Players will work with Geralt on a series of quests, ultimately culminating in farming the Leshen for monster parts to make armor and weapons, as hunters are want to do.

The first part of this collaboration puts you in Geralt’s boots and gives you all-new mysteries to solve and gear to craft with the Special Assignment “Contract: Trouble in the Ancient Forest”. After you complete the assignment, the Geralt α full armor set will be available for crafting, as well as the Sword & Shieldweapon Witcher’s Silver Sword for your Hunter. And for your Palico, the Nekker α full armor set and Cursed Staff α will show up in the Smithy’s list.

This collaboration was announced alongside the Iceborne expansion which is coming to Monster Hunter: World in Q3 of 2019. And it will include a series of HR 50 quests for gamers to undertake, completing all of them will earn special armor and weapon sets, in addition to the ones mentioned above, there’s also a Ciri-inspired set up for grabs. The event featuring these new quests will run from February 15 to March 1, 2019. That also coincides with the last bit of the ongoing Appreciation Fest events.

Check out the trailer Sony just dropped for the event if you want to see more.

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