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Monster Hunter World kicks off Anniversary Event, Appreciation Fest

Monster Hunter World kicks off Appreciation Fest

It’s that time of year again, that time when Capcom decides to unleash a whole new stable of beasts onto the New World in Monster Hunter World. And it’s your job, alongside your friends and fellow hunters, to track down and slay these monstrous foes. The one year anniversary of the official launch of Monster Hunter World is upon us, and Capcom has decided to bring back all of the event quests once again.

From now until February 21, Monster Hunter World players can enjoy the Anniversary celebration and earn some nice items in the process. The Appreciation Fest will of course feature new and old Event Quests, which means you can farm Tickets and rare drops from these to your heart’s content if you missed out on them the first time.

New Layered Armor will also be available. Just talk to the Smithy in Astera after obtaining new tickets to unlock special delivery requests. Appreciation Tickets can be delivered to the Resource Center to get your layered armor. Login Bonuses and Lucky Vouchers will also reward these Tickets and potentially other seasonal items as well.

We’ve included a preview video showing off the new armor set from YouTube Arekkz down below:

If you wanted to know what Quests are coming to Astera, fear not because we’ve got all of the details. IF you’re short on time, head over to the official Event Schedule for the full list.

Of course the big draw is the return of AT Kulve Taroth, so get farming for that sweet HR now if you want to take part in this ultra-tough hunt for some really sweet loot. Make sure you’re doing your limited bounties as well, these can easily be completed quickly by farming Low-Rank Event Quests with decent gear.

But here’s the full rundown for all the quests across PC and Consoles. The rewards for each quest are also there. We’ve also included some screenshots showing off the Gathering Hall being decked out, as well as the new armor sets. Check below the quest list for that.

Collaboration Quests

3* USJ: gold star treatment – Azure star blade long sword + Azure star palico set (USJ)

5* Lessons of the wild – Watcher palico set (Horizon zero dawn – PS4 exclusive)

6* The proving – Aloy α set + Aloy bow (Horizon zero dawn – PS4 exclusive)

7* USJ: blazing azure stars! – Azure star lord armor + long sword upgrade (USJ)

7* A rush of blood – Mega Man palico set (Mega Man)

8* Code: red – Dante armor α + Dante sword (charge blade) (Devil May Cry) (red orbs needed for Dante layered from quest 9* The scorn of the sun AT Teostra)

8* SDF: silent, deadly, and fierce – Bayek layered + Assassin hood(mantle) (Assassins Creed – not in PC event list)

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9* A visitor from eorzea (Extreme) – Drachen layered

9* The hearth of the nora – Aloy γ set + Aloy layered (Horizon zero dawn – PS4 exclusive)

Event Quests

3* Where sun meets moon – Fluffy dual blades

4* Timberland troublemakers – Bristly hammer

5* Every hunter´s dream – Special greatsword (fan made)

6* Scrapping with the shamos – Sealed eyepatch α

6* Wiggle me this – Floppy wigger head armor

6* Egg lovers United – Kulu-Ya-Ku head armor

6* Midnight mayhem – Shooting star lance

6* A flash in the pan – Shadow shades α

7* A royal pain – Mosswine mask + Faux felyne mask

7* Kings know no fear – Wigger head layered + Sealed eyepatch

Arch Tempered Quests

9* A whisper of white mane – AT kirin – Kirin γ armor + Blossom layered

9* The deathly quiet curtain – AT Vaal Hazak – Vaal γ armor + Death stench layered

9* The scorn of the sun – AT Teostra – Teostra γ armor + Dante layered (need red orbs from 8* Code: red quest)

9* The eye of the Storm – AT Kushala Daora – Kushala γ set + Guild cross layered (not in PC event list)

9* Undying alpenglow – AT Zorah Magdaros – Zorah γ armor + Origin layered (not in PC event list)

9* Like a moth to the flame – AT Xeno´Jiiva – Xeno γ armor + Commission layer (not in PC event list)

9* When blue dust surpasses red lust – AT Lunastra – Lunastra γ armor + Sakura layered (not in PC event list)

9* The greatest jagras – (rewards not known yet, most likely feystones)

Challenge quests

2* Vespoid Infestation! – Queen beetle armor set (female) + Butterfly armor set (male)

3* Down the dark, muddy path – Ryu armor set (Console exclusive??, not in PC event list)

6* Gajalaka Outbreak – Gajalaka Palico set + Butterfly layered

7* Empress in full bloom 1,2,3 – Sakura α armor (Console exclusive??, not in PC event list)

8* The awakened satsui no hado 1,2,3 – Ryu α armor (Console exclusive??, not in PC event list)

Kulve Taroth Siege

9* The fury of el dorado – Kulve taroth armor + weapons + Bushi layered (Console)

9* Banquet in the Earthen Hall – Kulve taroth armor + weapons + Bushi layered (PC)

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