
How to get a fishing rod in Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town

How to get a fishing rod in Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town

While you’re playing Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town, you have tons of stuff to do. There’s always something to craft, something to catch, or a thing to mine. Players of this latest Switch game will find that there are plenty of tools to use for these purposes. And yes, you can catch fish too. And that means you’re going to need to gather the fishing rod to do that.

The first tool you will want to go for is the fishing rod. The fishing rod works the same way as all other tools, and it’s really useful. Players can also add upgrades to it when it levels up with use. To be able to fully upgrade it though, you will need to find Ore from the Spring Mine.

There’s an NPC fairly early on in the game that you want to visit. Zack is who you’re looking for. You will want to visit them to buy a variety of items that he sells to you, including the fishing rod in Story of Seasons. To get the fishing rod in Story of Seasons, you need to visit Zack between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm, any day of the week except on holidays.

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If you’re far enough in the story, he will offer you a fishing rod as one of his items. Once you buy it the rod will be stored in the tool pocket.

Using the fishing rod in Story of Seasons is very simple. Find a pond, lake, or river and just equip your tool. From there, it’s a basic process to catch fish. Hit A to cast your line and watch the bob in the water. When the bob dips beneath the water, hit A again to reel in the line and try to catch the fish. You will need to sometimes level up the rod to catch the most valuable fish, as the cheaper rods just can’t handle them.

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