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Rare releases new trailer for character customization in Sea of Thieves

Sea of Thieves, a hotly anticipated open-world RPG from Rare and Microsoft is getting closer. Rare has been doing a lot of dev diaries and other content trying to hype the game in the last few weeks. Now, we’ve got another one of these dev diary type trailers that talks about character customization.

The big focus is on the IPG. The IPG (Infinite Pirate Generator) system, which keeps on generating new pirates for players until they find one that they are happy with or that they can relate to. So instead of spending hours using toggles and sliders to perfect their characters, players can infinitely generate new character models until they get one they like.

Since Sea of Thieves is a highly social game, there’s a lot of focus on creating a unique experience through customization. On top of the item and character customization, players will also be able to customize their ships by changing the sails and figureheads on their ships, which can also act as a form of status in the game.

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And of course, players will be able to endlessly customize the appearance of their clothes and other accessories. So if you ever wanted to live out your fantasy of being a pirate who wears two monocle, you can in Sea of Thieves.

Looking for tips on how sail the high seas in glory? Check out our Sea of Thieves Guide!

Sea of Thieves is currently available for pre-order and will be released for Xbox One and PC on March 20, 2018.


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