
How to Complete the Belko Challenge in BitLife

How to Complete the Belko Challenge in BitLife

BitLife sure loves its fictional crossovers, doesn’t it? The weekly challenges offered by the CandyWriter developers often seek to promote a variety of secret and funny tasks to complete for players The latest effort comes to us as a direct riff on the film The Belko Experiment,

where a corporate drone finds itself in a mass-murder experiment by being trapped in an office building filled with their coworkers. The trick comes when it’s revealed that the goal is to survive a massive orgy of violence when all your coworkers are compelled to kill each other. What follows is a gory and incredible tongue-in-cheek film, and CandyWriter wants to get in on the fun. Here’s how to complete the Belko Challenge in BitLife.

How to Complete The Belko Challenge in BitLife

  • Be born in Colombia
  • Get a corporate job
  • Get promoted to an executive position
  • Kill any coworker
  • Kill your supervisor

The first step in the Belko Challenge is to be born in the country of Colombia, where the film takes place, that’s easy. You then need to focus on getting put in a terrible situation. Your gender doesn’t matter, so just choose Colombia as a birthplace and get started. The real challenge comes in when you get to actually getting the job and doing the later, more bloody steps,

To get the office job, you need to get good grades. Focus on studying and try to keep those grades up throughout high school. That will really help when you get into college. Once you’re done with primary schooling, go to University and aim for a degree in Finance or another business interest. When that’s done, assuming you took good care of your smarts, you can then move on to the job market. Go to look for anything  Finance or business-related to secure an easy job. Any job that has the Corporate label next to it is a valid fit for the challenge.

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Once you have the job, focus on making friends and being well-liked by your coworkers. Focus on doing good work and you should get promotions after a few age ups. Keep at it and keep gaining promotions within your company. You should reach an executive position after a fair number of years, maybe a decade or more.

The last two tasks for the Belko Challenge are the hardest, as they require some luck. The easiest way to do it is to save up a fair amount of money and hire a hitman. You will find the option under the Crime heading look for the Hitman option. From there, you can select your preferred target from the dropdown menu. Let your hired gun do the work and then you will have to repeat it again to kill your boss. There, you have now completed the Belko Challenge in BitLife.

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