General Gaming News

First Anno 1800 patch fixes performance and stability issues

Anno 1800

Anno 1800 had a variety of issues on launch, mostly relating to performance, but these issues are finally being fixed in the first patch for the Ubisoft title.

Anno 1800 is a city building real-time strategy video game, developed by Blue Byte and published by Ubisoft, and launched on April 16th 2019 in North America.

The big focus for this patch was all about dealing with launch issues and it’s done just that. And aside from the bug fixes and crash fixes, this update also fixes a rare issue that could prevent gamers from receiving any further quests while in-game. This first patch also introduces some balance changes, aimed at making it easier to make money in-game.

UPLAY, Epic Games Store and Steam users have automatic access to this patch when booting their platform of choice, so get it as soon as possible and jump back into this excellent strategy game.

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Anno 1800 Patch 01 Release Notes

  • ANNO 1800 – Patchnotes (Patch 01, coming 25.04.2019)
  • Fixed several crashes.
  • Fixed several Multiplayer Desyncs.
  • Fixed an issue for the Steam version, that made the games FPS drop significantly.
  • Fixed a rare issue, getting no further quests, after loading a savegame that has been created while a Newspaper was displayed.

Added some balancing fixes:

  • Diplomacy: Lowered the cooldown of “Flattering” and “Gifting” from 60 mins to 30 mins.
  • Diplomacy: Negotiations in the late game now cost ~70% less.
  • Visitors: Visitors are now more generous (Visitor income increased by 50%).
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