EVE CommunityEVE VideoNull Sec Alliance Drama

EVE Online News: The Meta Show – Null Sec Special – AKA BL cluster****


The Meta Show, the EVE Online News Talk Show

This week Laz and The Mittani focus in on the ongoing drama in EVE Online Null Sec since the implementation of Fozzie Sov including:
• All the events leading up to Black Legion evacuation of Fountain and the aftermath
• The massive brawl in Dour resulting in 120B ISK in losses
• The Stunt Flores ban

Watch the whole episode of The Meta Show to get all the latest in Null-Sec


For all the latest EVE Online news watch The Meta Show every Saturday on TheMittaniTV Twitch channel at 20:00 UTC (4pm EST / 1pm PST)

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ISKMogul is a growing video game publication that got its start covering EVE Online, and has since expanded to cover a large number of topics and niches within the purview of gaming.