
Destiny 2 Ogma PR6 God Roll Guide

How to get Ogma PR6 in Destiny 2

The new weapon crafting system in Destiny 2 The Witch Queen is a huge addition to the game. Gathering and using resources to make the weapons and gear you want is a huge uplift in the quality of life for the game. Players are busy rushing around, trying to find those new Deepsight weapons and caches, learning what secrets they hold. You have a lot to do when it comes to actually earning all these new weapons.

Bungie fans are salivating over all of the new exotics and Legendaries you can find. Not only are Exotic weapons coming out in all manner of new forms, there’s a lot more to learn. You’ll want to make sure you purchase The Witch Queen expansion for Destiny 2. Without it, you will not be able to unlock any of this, putting a cap on your power levels in-game. But once you do, there are plenty of things to encounter and fight.

How to get Ogma PR6 in Destiny 2

Light Pulse Rifles are back, and though they took a DPS nerf, they remain strong. When used with the right perks and mods, you can craft a rather powerful Ogma PR6 God Roll for the right modes. This weapon is still an off-meta choice for most modes though. But if you want to maximize its potential, keep reading.

To get this weapon, you need to open Umbral Engrams. That means you’re going to be doing a lot of seasonal activities. You can also get it from Banshee-44 for 30 Shards and 7000 Glimmer.

Ogma PR6 PvE God Roll

  • Corkscrew Rifling or Arrowhead Brake
  • Tactical Mag
  • Perpetual Motion or Demolitionist
  • Dragonfly or Adrenaline Junkie
  • Masterwork: Range
  • Mod: Spec Mod
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Arrowhead Brake is the best thing you can go for here, but there are considerations to be made with other perks. Corkscrew Rifling is great, as it helps you keep shots damaging without too much sacrifice. Tactical Mag is a great choice for the PvE-inclined.  Perpetual Motion is a great option here. The ability to get damage while mobile is a huge help when surrounded. You could also rely on something like Demolitionist and Wellspring to get tons of grenades out. But for many players, Dragonfly will be better. That will depend on your ability to scale the damage though. One For All and Stats For All are great support options as well, when used in tandem.

Ogma PR6 PvP God Roll

  • Arrowhead Brake or Hammer-Forged Rifling
  • Accurized Rounds
  • Perpetual Motion
  • Turnabout 
  • Masterwork: Stability
  • Mod: Icarus

Arrowhead Brake giving that boost to overall accuracy is very much needed in PvP, you have to be able to hit your target. Hammer-forged is a solid secondary option if you’re after damage. Accurized Rounds should definitely be used if you’re after more shots on target, and is a must if you’re sacrificing an accurate barrel mod for DPS. Heating Up is a solid first perk to give you more power in combat, just make sure to shoot at the same targets as your team. Turnabout is a bit of a unique choice, as it has to be against Shields, but it can help keep you in the fight a bit longer.

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