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Resident Evil 2 Remake shows Claire in action at TGS 2018

Resident Evil 2 Remake TGS 2018 Demo Gameplay

The Resident Evil 2 remake just gets more appealing every time I see it. And this new chunk of gameplay arrives from the recent Playstation stream of Tokyo Game Show currently underway in Japan this week. And oh buy, does the game look great.

In this new segment the viewer follows Claire as she moves throughout the sewer and lab areas of RE2, a section that’s infamous among fans for a lot of backtracking and some pretty tough boss fights. And fans of the original game will immediately recognize the tentacle-having beast with the massive mutated eye which Claire brawls with in the demo. I’ll refrain from spoiling who it is though.

If you’re just hearing about this now, maybe check out some more gameplay from Gamescom. Maybe you’re a PC gamer who might pick this up, in that case you should check out the Resident Evil 2 Remake system requirements. If you want to be fully prepared for the renewed adventures of Claire and Leon, you might want to check out some gory gameplay footage. Or you could check in on the Collector’s Edition of the game that features a 12″ statue. And if you’re really a super fan, you could take a peek at the $900 typewriter themed for the game.

Resident Evil 2 will release on January 25th, 2019 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. You can check out the full gameplay demo down below.

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