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A seasonal pass and monthly content is coming to Sea of Thieves

Sea of Thieves Plunder Pass & more Live Events in 2021

Rare has announced a new content model is coming to Sea of Thieves. The pace of development for the game will shift to a monthly structure, with regular and featured live events and “hundreds” of new rewards added over the course of the new pass system. The passes are called the Plunder Pass, and will feature a seasonal progression system that allows players to grind their way to new levels of Renown with various in-game factions.

The season pass is called the Sea of Thieves Plunder Pass and it will be the way that content is added to the game going forward. Expect it to follow the same path as similar offerings from other live-services video games. When the idea launches in January 2021, it will perplexingly be called Season One, as it’s the first season of the content drop model for the game. It’s only a bit confusing as the game has been out for years, but no matter.

The Sea of Thieves Plunder Pass will include a monthly content drop as well. The seasons themselves run for three months though, so it looks like each Season of the Plunder Pass will have three sets of new items and quests within it. Each month, we’re likely to see featured events for a certain faction that will allow both new and veteran players to reap new rewards. The first set of challenges will revolve around the Merchant Alliance in January 2021.

Making your way through the seasonal pass will unlock new rewards—both for your ship and pirate, which will then be used to improve your gameplay. You can of course deck yourself out in spiffy new cosmetics as well. The Plunder Pass includes a premium track with special rewards, redeemed at the Pirate Emporium.

But aside from that, there’s still something left for 2020. Rare will be running The Festival of Giving on December 9, with 12 days of holiday-themed events to go round.

Rare has released a short video talking about these plans. Check out said reveal video down below. The game is available now on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One and PC.

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