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Square Enix confirms Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2 is in the works

Square Enix E3

Final Fantasy VII Remake Chapter 2 is in the works, according to game director Tetsuya Nomura. Yes, I said chapter 2. The remake of one of the best JRPGs ever made will be broken up into multiple games, splitting the story into defined chunks. The first chapter of the game series based on FF7 will run through the first in-game area.

“We’ve already begun working on the next one as well, but I’m confident that playing through this title will expand your expectations just like the world that extends beyond Midgar,” Nomura said in a blog post to the Square Enix official site. This development process has been pretty hectic, with the company pushing more and more content into the project.

“With regard to the size of the game that many are asking about—there’s no reason at all to worry. Even in this Midgar portion alone, the density and volume are so great that I had to give directions to lighten them,” the director said, speaking about overall progress. It looks like the games in this remade series are well on their way to delivering greatness.

Square Enix has been pumping out a bit of promotion about the game already, at least in terms of the first chapter. Fans have seen the Guard Scorpion boss from the first main hub in the original game in one set of footage. We’ve also seen changes being made to the combat and other areas of the game. And while some fans remain unconvinced by the changes, like altering the combat to be more like Final Fantasy XV rather than the traditional turn-based affair, there’s plenty of hype surrounding the game.

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Final Fantasy VII Remake will launch on PlayStation 4 on March 3, 2020.

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