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Fighting EX Layer coming to PC

Fighting EX Layer coming to PC

Fighting EX Layer is coming to PC via Steam, developer Arika announced.

We don’t have a firm release date yet, but we expect it sometime in 2019. The devs did release some short gameplay though, and I do mean short, because it’s only a few seconds of a match from the PC port. You can check that out down below.

The PC version will probably have the full roster, and since Akira has been releasing a lot of DLC, there’s plenty of characters. And with it’s relative simplicity in terms of game modes, Akira turned out a fairly complex and engaging fighting game with a surprising amount of fun. And while PC players are probably busy playing Dragon Ball FighterZ, or desperately waiting on SoulCalibur VI, they’ll probably find some time for Fighting EX Layer when it does come out.

If you want to play the game now, it is also available on the PS4.

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