It’s the week ahead of E3 2019, and game leaks and news are popping up left and right, now it’s Ubisoft’s turn to fall victim to the internet leak machine. Now, we finally get to see the next entry into the publisher’s open world hacker sim, Watch Dogs. The new game is called Watch Dogs Legion and will take the series in a very new direction.
The leak came via Amazon UK and was picked up by Kotaku via ResetEra. The game is moving the setting to London, and offering players an entirely new gameplay experience compared to previous entries in the franchise. Here’s the official description of Watch Dogs Legion from the leaked listing:
Play as anyone, Every individual you meet in the open world, has a full set of animations, voice over, character traits and visuals that are generated & guided by gameplay systems. Watch_Dogs Legion is set in a near-future, dystopian version of London,” reads the Amazon UK listing. “It’s a post-Brexit world in which society, politics and technology have changed and altered London’s fortunes. London is one of the most iconic cities in the world and has had a massive influence on all of Western Culture for centuries… London makes total sense for WD, as the city has one of the highest surveillce levels in the world making this the perfect playground.
Part of this massively strange gameplay loop is that every character will be much more fleshed-out than the typical NPCs in an open world game. Watch Dogs Legion NPCs will have their own voice tracks as well as animations and traits that define their character. And judging from what we know so far, Watch Dogs Legion will use a form of procedural generation to assign visual and trait-based aspects to characters within the game world in order to breathe live into the world.
The game introduces a new lead, Sarah, who is set loose with a new and devastating suite of powers into digital London to wreak havoc. There’s a notorious group of possibly evil hackers that Sarah wants to infiltrate for some potentially nefarious reason. The story and gameplay are still very vague for this new title. With E3 2019 so close, maybe we’ll get to see more soon.