General Gaming News

PS5 will have next-gen exclusive titles apparently


The PS5 could very well be pushing an interesting strategy for console gaming in 2020. Sony is pushing a new approach for their next console, with an increasingly fast pace between new platform iterations. This approach will affect both the hardware and software development for the gaming division of the Japanese company.

Specifically, Sony will be looking to push software titles that are exclusive to the PS5. And it looks like this approach will be in motion from the beginning of the new life cycle. “I’ve heard some of the PS5 launch titles,” Schreier said during the latest Kotaku Splitscreen podcast. “I won’t say them yet as I probably will want to some kind of report on that stuff for the future. But those will be on PS5 only.”

To juxtapose this, Microsoft is taking a different approach with their new console. The example most point to is Halo Infinite launching on the same day between the Xbox Series X as well as Xbox One and Windows 10 PC. This is part of a wider strategy of diversification that Microsoft is focusing on. Microsoft bills their new approach as “Forward Compatibility”, a method to keep all of their platforms in at a rough level of feature and title parity. One interesting aspect of the idea is that ongoing rumor that the Series X will have support for some titles from Steam and Epic, attempting to bridge the gap between PCs and consoles.

And of course the Xbox Series X will also make use of backwards compatibility. Sony has yet to announce the full details of backwards compatibility for the PS5.

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“As our content comes out over the next year, two years, all of our games, sort of like PC, will play up and down that family of devices,” Xbox Game Studios head Matt Booty told MCV last year at X019. Going further, the company is pretty clear about their motivations. “We want to make sure that if someone invests in Xbox between now and [Series X] that they feel that they made a good investment and that we’re committed to them with content.”

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