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Persona 5 Scramble commercials take a road trip across Japan

Persona 5 Royal

Persona 5 Scramble is an addon to the mainline Persona 5 Royal The latter of those two is out this week in Japan, and Atlus is wasting no time in kicking the marketing into overdrive. Omega Force is developing the new entry in the franchise, expanding on the story of the main franchise, offering better insights into the oncoming rampage of the Phantom Thieves.

The game picks up right after the events of the mainline entry, with Persona 5 Royal picking up right after Persona 5‘s ending. As such, fans are getting taken through a rather chaotic summer break this time around, given the story events from the previous outing. And to get people excited for the new release, Atlus has pushed out a variety of new commercials that offer a glimpse into the world of Persona, as it mixes with ours.

Tokyo and the legendary Shibuya district are up first.

Another iconic city scene is Sapporo in Hokkaido. Morgana says he wanna eat Jingiskan. That’s the name of a grilled mutton dish that’s super popular in Hokkaido, and it’s an anime cliche. By the way, the core gameplay element of exploring urban locales is a big thing in Persona 5 Scramble.

Sendai, in Miyagi prefecture, home of the legendary Aoba Castle is another stop on our road trip.

Osaka is also being featured in the new offshoot title.

The final trailer jumps over to Okinawa for a beach scene.

Persona 5 Scramble is launching in Japan on February 20 on PS4 and Switch. Persona 5 Scramble will definitely come west soon after its Japanese release, but it has no western announcement for now.

Persona 5 Royal is due to launch this week in Japan, with a global release due in 2020.

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