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How to find Savathun’s Marionettes in Destiny 2

How to find Savathun’s Marionettes in Destiny 2

Savathun’s Marionettes in Destiny 2 were added to the game as part of Season of Arrivals and some new quests added this week. The Growth quest has arrived in Destiny 2, and with it comes a new series of bosses and enemies to fight to earn some sick rewards. There are multiple parts to the quest, and one such step has you fighting Savathun’s Marionettes. You will need to defeat 15 of these beasts to complete this part, so here’s how to find them.

Savathun’s Marionettes in Destiny 2 spawn during the Contact event, but it’s much better to find them out in the wild and defeating the mini-bosses. I suggest Lost Oasis on Io. This is a core part of completing the questline for the Ruinous Effigy rifle that was recently added to the game. Problem is, the spawns on the Contact event are usually only going to pop once or twice per run. That means it will take far too long to get all 15.

Killing Savathun’s Marionettes is a critical part in the Growth quest in Destiny 2. The players have to gather a bunch of Calcified Light fragments, you can head to Titan to get those. Head for The Rig on Titan, as you will find a bunch around that area, as well as a few other places.

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Another option for hunting them down is to farm Disruptors with Taken Blights. Head to Titan or Io and look for an area that doesn’t have the public event running on it. You will want to bring out your Sparrow and drive around until you find a Disruptor or Marionette. The game will sometimes give a heads-up that a Disruptor has spawned, so be on the lookout for that. Take down any of these baddies when they spawn and move on to the next one.

And if you’re looking for a video guide, check that out below.

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