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Halo Infinite won’t get co-op or Forge at launch

Halo Infinite won’t get co-op or Forge at launch

Halo Infinite will be missing some very key features at launch. The announcement this week has revealed that the team is prioritizing the core game over certain extra modes. It turns out that two very well-loved gameplay modes won’t be in the game for months after launch. 343 has revealed that both support for campaign co-op play, as well as the Forge, will be absent on launch.

In a report by GamesRadar in July last year, developer 343 Industries’ prior studio head, Chris Lee, said the game would have co-op at launch. That is no longer the case. It’s also true that certain ports will be missing features too. Halo Infinite on PC will not have split-screen support on launch. It’s a pretty rough day over at the 343 offices, Lee left the project months ago, and things have been tough since then.

The first three-month season of multiplayer will be in though, and that three-month timeframe will carry forward into future updates. Co-op will come in when season two launches. The Forge features are due in Season 3. So it will be nine months before the full feature set is in the game. That’s a long wait for Halo fans. Halo Infinite’s head of creative Joseph Staten was the one to break the news.

“Unfortunately, as we focused the team for shutdown and really focused on a quality experience for launch, we made a really tough decision to delay shipping campaign co-op for launch. And, we also made the tough call to delay shipping Forge past launch, as well,” Staten said in an interview. You can find the full interview in the development update below.

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In the recent update on development, 343 laid out some other details as well. The Forge is a huge part of what gave Halo 3 and later titles their multiplayer longevity, and not having it for months could turn a lot of folks off of Halo Infinite.  You can check out the entire development update, including the interview that reveals this change, down below.


A lot of the feedback from the first technical period for the game has been the focus of the team for a bit. According to Sam Hanshaw, producer of live operations on Halo Infinite, the team got data from where players completed more than 1 million bot matches, and supplied “thousands of support tickets.” The sorting of all that data will hopefully help improve the final game.

The team has had a rough go with bugs and delays as well. Development for Halo Infinite has been rocky at best. The game has suffered multiple delays, with the most recent pushing the game to around the end of this year, although that’s unlikely. There were even rumors that Infinite had been canceled, but those proved untrue.

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