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Devil May Cry 5 has no plans for post-launch DLC

Devil May Cry 5

Fans have been wondering what else Devil May Cry 5 might have in store. So after being asked by gamers about plans for post-launch content, Devil May Cry 5 producer Matt Walker made the announcement plain as day. In short, there’s nothing coming for the game aside from one planned update.

So that means that aside from the microtransactions and already announced Bloody Palace update, no future content like new missions, gameplay modes or cosmetic effects will be coming for Devil May Cry 5. Some fans will probably be a little disappointed by this news, but hopefully it results in a better game overall as that should mean that there’s more development focus on the core gameplay.

Devil May Cry 5 tells the story of Nero, Dante , V and crew as they hunt demons and deal with a ton of personal drama. Set years after the events of DMC 4, it will be very exciting for fans to see how some of their favorite flamboyant badasses have evolved.

If you want to see more of the game, Capcom has you covered. Take a look at some new footage of Dante being a boss. And then there’s this other awesome gameplay trailer you need to see. There’s also the excellent reveal featuring the blue bomber Mega Man and the Mega Buster. Check out the DMC 5 PC requirements if you plan to grab the latest DMC on that platform.

The game is slated to launch for PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One on March 8. This hack-and-slash adventure title is the fifth in the main franchise. Nero, Dante and new addition to the story V are taking on legions of devils and other beasties with their own signature weapons and gameplay styles. There’s Nero with his Red Queen sword and Blue Rose revolved that will slice and blast a path through the denizens of Hell. Each character also has their own unique abilities to use in combat.

And players will need to use these abilities and weapons in the most creative and stylish ways they can to earn the best ranking for each mission, as just like previous games, there’s a grading system for your performance in-game. The more varied and complex your fighting style, the better you’ll do. So it’s a sure thing that fans can squeeze a fair bit of enjoyment out of trying to get the perfect score.

So while it’s sad that there’s not much DLC coming for Devil May Cry 5, at least fans are getting a great game that they are extremely hyped and long overdue for.

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