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Check out Call of Cthulhu’s newest gameplay video

Call of Cthulhu

Focus Home Interactive and Cyanide Studio are taking us on a descent into madness. And we’re going along with them when Call of Cthulhu releases. Check out the latest gameplay from Gamescom 2018.

Players will control Edward Pierce as he investigates various spooky goings-on, one such investigation is a scenic trip to the Hawkins Mansion, which is the subject of this most recent gameplay footage. Edward Pierce is a war veteran and private investigator, and because this is a Cthulhu game, of course he’s got issues. Namely, he’s a struggling alcoholic and apparently he has a death. Because why else would he take a job in a tentacled hellhole like this.

Pierce isn’t a supernatural badass, so he’ll have to rely on good perception and sharp with in order to survive. And of course, he’ll have to contend with mad locals and other horrific enemies as he struggles to stave off madness. Luckily, players have plenty of agency in terms of the way in which they want to play, and their skills evolve to reinforce their choices. As you play, your skills will grow and help you unlock more details. But unfortunately, the more you uncover, the more likely you are to lose yourself.

Call of Cthulu is slithering it’s way to PC, PS4, and Xbox One on October 30. Feast your eyes on the new gameplay footage of the game down below.

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