General Gaming News

SNK has announced a Neo Geo Classic console

Neo Geo Classic console

We’ve learned SNK Corporation has announced a new piece of hardware. This follows the announcement of the 40th anniversary collection for the Nintendo Switch.

“A new game machine will be announced to express gratitude to all fans who supported SNK titles. Please stay tuned. The Future is Now!”, the company said in the announcement. This Neo Geo Classic is also being created to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the company. SNK Japan refers to the hardware as an “atarashii geemuki” (新しいゲーム機) or “new game machine.”

The company confirmed that the new game console will include popular titles from their Neo Geo era, citing examples like The King of FightersFatal FurySamurai Shodown, and Metal Slug. Although no games have been confirmed, so it’s all just speculation at this point.

We don’t know price points or a release date, but we expect the new console to be competitive compared to other mini retro consoles – like the Sega Mega Drive Mini announced last week by Sega.

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