Crate Entertainment released Grim Dawn back in 2016, and there’s still content being pumped out for it. Earlier this week the developer released a new patch ahead of the upcoming expansion, Forgotten Gods, a patch which introduced an expanded crafting system as well as new mini-boss to the game. That great beast is such a challenge that an entirely new faction has been added to the game to help the player take it down. eek out Kra’vall the Ancient of the Waters within central Ugdenbog if you dare and earn new Monster Infrequents exclusive to this powerful foe.
But it’s not just a new beasty to tackle that has gamers returning to the lands of Cairn and beyond. The latest content updates also added in a host of new items and upgrade systems to tinker with. Three new sets of Legendary items were the first major addition, but that’s not all. One of the more important changes is the introduction of new Rune Augments.
However, unlike standard Faction Augments currently in the game, Rune Augments grant you active abilities. Abilities of a certain…mobile nature. These new skills allow players to move around maps in game-changing ways, and completely shift the common playstyles of Grim Dawn as a result. These runes can be obtained through crafting, reputation vendors, and fighting in the expansion’s tough new game mode.
Other aspects of the game have been fleshed out in these patches as well. The Crucible has had its rewards adjusted along with the difficulty. A whole cache of items have had their abilities and modifiers adjusted to increase difficulty in the main game as well. Seriously, you should read the patch notes if you can, there’s a lot of minor changes in the update.
Grim Dawn is available now on Steam. The games two expansions, Ashes of Malmouth and Forgotten Gods will also be on Steam.