General Gaming News

Monster Hunter World Ships Six Million Copies, Fastest Selling Capcom Game Ever


Monster Hunter World is doing remarkably well in terms of shipment numbers, but Capcom has recently announced it hit the milestone of six million units shipped, making it a record-breaking title for Capcom. People really love their adorable Palicos I guess. OK, it’s probably more the incredible depth and mechanical appeal of Monster Hunter World drawing people in.

Don’t believe me? Read our review to see some of the glory that is Monster Hunter for yourself.

If you’re a new player looking for help, check out some of our guides on the game.

The distinction between shipped and sold can be important here. From Capcom’s perspective, they have sold six million copies, because those units were sold to retailers, who potentially in turn sell them to consumers. And sell they have, in Japan alone the game has sold over 1 million  units.

Retailers will likely continue to order more copies of the game steadily for at least a couple more months. Then the whole cycle will repeat itself when the PC version comes out. So I’d be shocked if we didn’t see total sales in the 10-15 million unit range overall.

Monster Hunter World released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in late January. A PC version is planned for Autumn 2018.

[Source: Capcom]

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