
How to complete A Figure of Beauty in New Pokémon Snap

How to complete A Figure of Beauty in New Pokémon Snap

A Figure of Beauty in New Pokémon Snap is one of the many Lentalk Requests in the game. The Requests often involve a bunch of trekking around the various maps in the game to find Pokémon in various positions. The goal is to bring back a photo to the quest giver that contains the required Pokémon in the right state.  Some of these are a bit more involved than others. You’re supposed to take photos of Arbok doing something strange, and there’s an easy way to complete this one. You need to get them into the right spot to take the required photo. Here’s how to complete A Figure of Beauty in New Pokémon Snap.

How to complete A Figure of Beauty in New Pokémon Snap

  • Head into Founja Jungle (Night) on Research Level 1.
  • Look on the right for Arbok and knock it out of the tree with a Fluffruit.
  • When the Liepard runs away, it can be seen sleeping in a tree up ahead.
  • Play music to wake up the Liepard.
  • Boost after the Liepard as it runs off, throw Illimuna Orbs into the grass on the right.
  • Liepard is lying in the grass and should light up.
  • Wait for the third Pokémon to show up, and play music as soon as all three stand up.
  • Take a photo of the pose.

When you start the level, look up on the ledge to the right for the Arbox sleeping in a tree. Hit it with Fluffruit until it falls out and scares the Liepard into running away. Go after the Liepard with the boost on and you will see it sleeping in a tree off to your left.

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To wake up the Liepard just play some music and it should once again wake up and run off. You will see it up ahead in the grass around the bend in the path. You will need to throw Illimuna Orbs into the grass on the right to wake it up this time. Once it’s lit up, wait for a third Liepard to show up. As soon as all three show up, the mons should stand on their hind legs, that’s you’re cue to take the picture.

Now snap the pic when the Pokémon stand up. Once you have the proper photo, you can return to Professor Mirror and turn in your prize for a nice chunk of XP. There, you have now completed A Figure of Beauty in New Pokémon Snap.

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