General Gaming News

Dragon Ball Z Abridged ends in bittersweet moment

Dragon Ball FighterZ

It’s a sad day for the internet this week. Legendary content creators, voice actors, and meme lords, Team Four Star, have called it quits on their primary show, Dragon Ball Z Abridged. In an announcement that has now spread across the web like wildfire, Scott “KaiserNeko” Frerichs revealed that the team just wants to move on, and leave the show in a good place.

“Many shows lose steam as time goes on as the creators extend their work far beyond its natural lifespan; we’re feeling that with this, and that’s a scary, depressing thought,” said director and editor Scott “KaiserNeko” Frerichs in a post on Patreon, pointing out that the goal was to lift up a show they loved, not to dishonor it or its legacy. “We don’t want to end up like The SimpsonsDexterScrubs, just to name a few. And yes, we know, there’s more story to work with. But in all honesty… there just isn’t the emotional attachment and passion for the arc that drove the last three seasons.”

As oh so often happens with any creative effort that one pours their blood, sweat, and tears into, burnout happens. Team Four Star has said that they enjoyed their time on the project, but that they have to move on.  “It’s been an absolute blast to bring DBZA to life, but after 11 years of the same project… it’s gotten oppressive. Which, again, is a scary thought.” The team highlight issues with copyright that have put their livelihoods at stake, as well as those of their employees.

The team makes it clear that they did try, but that it’s just not the right fit for them or their brand to continue the series. “We’ve thought about hosting DBZA on other sites, but nowhere has been safe, and worse, it would serve to draw attention away from our hub, which ultimately could lead to less views, less support, and either the scaling back or collapse of our company.”

It’s a sad day for all DBZ fans, as pretty much everyone who likes DBZ was at least aware of Dragon Ball Z Abridged. But it feels like the right decision.

Fans have been both supportive and angry. Many have followed along with the long-running parody series for a decade or more.  Some were incensed by the lack of covering the Buu Saga, which was to be the last after the Cell Saga parody season wrapped last year. The complaints are there, but the reaction appears generally supporting, “It was fun while it lasted, but it was always going to end, and at least it ended on such a high,” wrote one fan. “I want to say thanks and good luck to the whole TFS team.”

We here at ISKMogul are equally sad to see such a beloved and creative endeavor go away, but we wish the team behind such a joyous creation the best of luck.

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