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Total War: Warhammer 2 outlines free DLC and releases campaign details


Creative Assembly have outlined a little bit more about how the ‘combined map’ campaign for Total War: Warhammer 2 and the original game will work. This comes in conjunction with an image suggesting the upcoming line-up of free Legendary Lords for the sequel.

In terms of size, Mortal Empires will have 295 settlements (the normal Old World has 142). Mechanics from Total War: Warhammer 2 will carry over, so ‘universal territory capture’ (with climate restrictions), increased building slots, rogue armies, treasure hunting, and all the rest will be in there. This campaign will be one of straightforward conquest, with no Vortex mechanics included for the sake of simplicity.

The Free DLC outline image for Total War: Warhammer 2 can be seen below (click for larger). Once the Mortal Empires campaign is finished, there will be three free Legendary Lords (looks like Skaven, High Elf, then Lizardmen), plus an enigmatic “experiment”, there also several seemingly unannounced pieces of DLC behind a cloud of shadow. No details yet on whether that’s an actual tease of future content or just there for effect.

But DLC plans aren’t the only thing on the docket for today.

Creative Assembly showed off an excellent bit of bridge battle action for Total War: Warhammer 2, and this gameplay video takes a look at one of them. It’s Lizardmen (controlled by the narrator) versus Skaven (AI) in this latest bit of gameplay.

The battlefield is divided by a river, with separate land bridges allowing passage over its span. In that situation, the Lizardmen’s more robust troops should have the advantage; but the Skaven can potentially exhaust them with numbers, and have some artillery for additional bombardment. It will be interesting to see how players adapt the bulwark-style tactics from previous games into Warhammer 2.

However, Mazdamundi is leading the Lizardmen and his magical abilities could certainly shift the tide of battle. This battle features several of his spells. Here’s the video. Total War: Warhammer 2 comes to PC on 28 September.
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